Hospitality & Butler participates in the creation of the Changing People's Lives Foundation

Changing people's lives are cases resources interested in working in the hospitality industry on a technical level is the goal of the Changing People Lives Changing Lifes foundation that was born in Mexico with the cooperation between The British Butler Institute Hospitality and Butler and the ESDAI School of Institutions Of the Universidad Panamericana.
The release featured Nancy Rosado, director of ESDAI Gary Williams principal of The British Butler Institute as well as Montserrat Barros founder of Hospitality and Butler.
Nancy Rosado indicated We are interested in training in the highest level of service to people to raise the standards of operation in the areas of hotel tourism and hospitality in our country.
"With this training, low-income people who work in the hospitality industry will have the opportunity to access better jobs and high-ranking wages.
Gary Williams stressed the importance of training specialized staff in the hospitality industry in Mexico as the national tourism sector requires investing in skilled people.
Montserrat Barros said that it is a great opportunity to share with our attendees the passion for service and the care of the details in order to meet the needs of the most sophisticated customers.
"For us to be part of this project that provides tools to improve job opportunities through realization give hospitality training with the highest global standards and at no cost is our grain of sand that will certainly help change their lives emphasized.
As part of the foundation's work, the certification in hospitality and luxury service of 80 young people belonging to technical schools of four state entities of Mexico Jalisco, Tlaxcala and Coahuila was carried out.
The UP also reported that the first-place winner Hult Prize in its second edition was Akali and its proposal for autonomous water filtration systems for marginalized societies The team is composed of Karla Rico Sariflana, Elias Rivas Fernández, Alejandro Méndez Fournier and Mariana Arce.
Second place went to Bright Energy and third for 3MG.
"Today we seek to leave a mark without having to erase others We want to leave behind the mentality of the self and start talking about us5 boosting talent innovation and social impact for the benefit of Mexico and our planet indicated Jorge Olano Galicia coordinator of the Smart Centery of the Hult UP Prize.
Posted on El Universal on 28 November 2017, page 12.