The greatest reference in hospitality is The British Butler Institute, which is an international body dedicated to training in the hospitality and wholesale service, which is led by Gary Williams.
Together with the ESDAI School of Institutions Management of the Universidad Panamericana, the two institutions join forces to train professionals from the area of high-level service in our country.
A few weeks ago these organizations created the Changing People's Lives Foundation, an initiative that fuses education and altruism to educate low-income people in the country.
Important points to consider in Hospitality
Vocation of service: Wanting to belong in the industry and being trained is the key to success.
The anticipation: Anticipating with a smile and good attitude will create spectacular memories in customers.
Punctuality: This quality reflects the respect you have for the time of others.
Body Language: A good posture and always addressing the other person by looking them in the eye is a sign of good self-esteem.
Verbal Language: It is very important what is said and how it is said. Serving is acting, so professional language is essential.
Presentation: Clean nails, ballbed shoes and well-groomed hair, indispensable for a good impression.